Pre-warranty Expiry Inspections

Jim Dickinson Auto Tech has been performing pre-warranty expiry car inspection in Ottawa for over 27 years. Take advantage of your manufacturer’s warranty before it expires.
You paid for it with your vehicle purchase. New car dealers wait for you to complain about defects or problems before attempting to rectify vehicle deficiencies during the warranty. The vehicle manufacturer wants dealers to respond to complaints but not to volunteer to fix problems. The dealer technicians get paid a lower rate of pay to repair vehicles under warranty, often 30 % less, so they are not interested in your problems until the vehicle is off warranty. They are also not trained to assess a vehicle’s true condition but to react to customer complaints.
Most people do not have the expertise to evaluate their vehicle’s condition and often are unaware of problems until they are major ones. This makes it virtually impossible for the average consumer to take full advantage of their warranty without expert advice.
We follow a set routine with a 400-point checklist that has evolved over time to ensure all components are checked properly. You are supplied with a copy of your vehicle’s inspection and a list of defects that you can now complain about at the local dealer. Having the manufacturer rectify problems before the vehicle comes off warranty can save you thousands of dollars and a lot of heartaches.